TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Grinding sound under accel/turns - need advice!
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Subject Grinding sound under accel/turns - need advice!
Posted by nb623107 on April 13, 2014 at 10:59 PM
  This message has been viewed 297 times.
Message Hey everyone,

On Friday I was heading home and turned left onto the highway. I wasn't driving the car exceptionally hard or anything, but I soon noticed that there was a loud grinding/chunky sound coming from the car. It stayed pretty quiet when I was just cruising, but under any sort of acceleration it would get very loud. Then I noticed that when I weaved left or right the sound got better/worse. I limped my car home, and parked it for the night. The next day when I drove it - no noise! Today it was kind of there again, but not too loud. It was mostly only when I was in a turn that I noticed it.

I'm thinking it is my rear diff. The car only has 106,000 miles, but it was making some whining noises for the past few thousand (very quiet, not nearly as loud as videos I have seen others post). Do you all think that the rear diff could make sounds like that if it were going bad or breaking, or would this be something more like a catastrophic and sudden wheel bearing issue? Or something else entirely?

For what it's worth, early last week I did install the Nismo trans mount, Z1 short throw shifter, and the ZSpeed solid shifter support bracket and plate. When I put the Nismo trans mount on, I paid close attention to the angle that the driveshaft was in before and after the install and saw no noticeable difference on the angle of the shaft. I only replaced the mount since I was under there doing the shifter anyways.

Thanks for all of the help and great info on the site!


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